Desfile de la Gente

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Desfile de la Gente, Historical/Hysterical Parade


Time & Date:
Registration: 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM / Sunday, September 7, 2025
(See details below)
Parade: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Event Categories:  Santa Fe Fiesta


Santa Fe Plaza
63 Lincoln Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Parade Participant Lineup:
Corner of Alamo Drive and Guadalupe Street

2025 Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc.
Desfile de la Gente Historical/Hysterical Parade

Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc., is proud to announce the 2024 Santa Fe Fiesta Desfile de la Gente also referred to as the Santa Fe Fiesta Historical/Hysterical Parade.

Parade will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 7, 2025.

Participant registration line-up will begin at 7:00 a.m. on the day of the event.

If you are part of a larger group with multiple entries, you must ALL arrive together to be lined up together. No exceptions.

It is imperative that someone with access to move participants’ vehicle, remain with the vehicle at all times in case of occurrences involving emergency vehicle access and clearance of roadway.

All vehicles must remain parked as close to curbing as possible until parade officials instruct participants that parade has started. The fire lane must be clear at all times. Participants are restricted from obstructing the fire lane in any manner. Parade committee members will strictly enforce the City of Santa Fe’s fire lane requirements. Noncompliance may result in removal from event and forfeiture of fee. 

Judging will take place beginning at 11:30 AM in the staging area and will be based on originality, creativity and design. Awards will be announced within ten (10) days of the event. Winning participants will be notified via contact information phone and email address provided on official event registration forms. Please ensure good contact information is provided for notification purposes. Incomplete forms will disqualify participant for judging. 


Event Registration:

Registration for this event is held exclusively on the day of the parade at the corner of Alamo Drive and Guadalupe Street. Pre-registration is not available for this event. Parade vehicle and float participant entrance will be on Alamo Drive via St. Francis Drive ONLY.

If you are part of a larger group with multiple entries, you must ALL arrive together to be lined up together.

All participants with vehicles participating in this event are required to have:

  • a current driver’s license
  • current vehicle registration
  • proof of insurance

Show cars and motorized bikes are welcome and must have the following items if the show car or motor bike is to be driven in the parade:

  • current driver’s license
  • current vehicle registration
  • proof of insurance

If participant cannot provide all 3 required items the day of the event, participation is still welcome. However the vehicle must be on a trailer during the course of the parade. The 3 required items for the vehicle and driver pulling the trailer will then be required. Off road vehicles are not permitted.

Registration will be:

  • $30.00 per vehicle per entry for schools, churches horse groups/ clubs, and non-profits
  • $50.00 per vehicle per entry for all others (nonpolitical)
  • $200.00 per political group (one vehicle included)
  • $50.00 fee for unlicensed vendors soliciting business on parade route
  • $5.00 per bicycle participant or individual horse with rider (not in a group).

The purpose of the Santa Fe Fiesta Desfile de la Gente is to provide fun, relaxation and cultural enjoyment for the citizens and visitors of Santa Fe.

The safety and operation of your entry as an individual, group or organization are your sole responsibility. The parade committee reserves the right to cancel any accepted entry at any time should it be determined that the entry does not comply with the purpose of the parade and/or safety requirements as mandated by the parade committee and/or City of Santa Fe.

Vehicle passengers shall be required to be in a safe seated or standing position and if possible, seat belted. Under no circumstances will passengers be allowed to ride on top and or the side of vehicles. Maximum capacity for riding on or in vehicles will be observed for safety of participants.

Drivers are not allowed to handle ANY equipment that will cause a distraction to their role as driver.

THERE WILL BE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ANY PROJECTILE (candy, food, beverages, objects, etc…) thrown from any moving vehicle. Any water or liquid shooting device (blasters, cannons or squirt guns) are prohibited. Items thrown create a hazardous environment for spectators running toward moving vehicles. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE REGULATIONS WILL RESULT IN YOUR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE PARADE. IF YOU ARE REMOVED FROM THE PARADE, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN.


The distribution of items along the parade route has become a serious problem. It has resulted in an increase in the amount of trash left along the parade route and more importantly has become a safety hazard for spectators. We want our Parade to be FUN, but most importantly SAFE! Therefore, the distribution of advertisements, literature, printed materials, candy, gum, treats or promotional items ON THE PARADE ROUTE may be done ONLY upon the following conditions:

Distributed materials may not be thrown to or in the direction of spectators, but must be handed to the individual. Distribution must not occur in any manner which encourages or rewards spectators that move from the viewing into ANY PORTION of the street assigned to the parade route.

If in the opinion of a Fiesta Parade Committee Official, the continued distribution of materials or items could endanger Parade spectators or participants, the official may ask entry participants to cease from the distribution of said materials or items. Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc. and Parade Committee Officials will bear no responsibility for any financial or opportunity loss associated with this request.

Violators may be subject to prosecution, as appropriate, under the New Mexico Statutory Code. Furthermore, if in the opinion of a Fiesta Parade Committee Official the participant violates ANY of the above policies, the participant shall be banned from participating in future parades sponsored by Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc.

In addition, by submitting your application for registration, you agree to release Santa Fe Fiesta, Inc., and its representatives from any and all liabilities related in any way to your individual, group or organization’s participation in the parade.

We are excited about this year’s Santa Fe Fiesta Historical/Hysterical Parade and hope to include your organization in this community event.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us via email: